Dover Community Workshop

Dover Community Workshop welcomes everyone in the Huon Valley to come and join us. Whether you want to undertake wood working, metal working or craft activities or simply come and talk or not talk, all are welcome. We also make ourselves available to assist the community in any way that we can.

We are registered with the Australian and Tasmanian Men’s Shed Associations. We are not for profit community based venue that brings people together to share their skills and to make friends in a non threatening way. A notable difference is that we have more women members than men.

Woodworking and Metalworking – Tuesdays @ 10am & 2pm

Arts and Crafts – Wednesdays by appointment

Woodworking and Metalworking – Thursdays @ 9am & 2pm

For more information or to confirm meeting dates & time, please call David Martin (Secretary), visit the website, or visit our Facebook page.





#mensshed #hub #workshop #woodworking


6987 Huon Highway, Dover TAS, Australia

Operating Hours

Tues: 10am - 2pm
Wed: By appointment
Thurs: 9am - 2pm
Why not visit?

Dover Community Workshop

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