Huon Valley Health Centre – Cygnet

The Huon Valley Health Centre provides general practice and support services to all ages in the Huon Valley. We have a variety of GPs, Registered Nurses, and a Nurse Practitioner who are here for emergency medical issues as well as routine medical checks. We also have a Clinical Pharmacist, Social Worker and a Psychologist on staff.

Our identity and purpose: We are a teaching medical practice. That means that we are, and always will be, a place of learning. We are inherently curious.

We overcome health inequalities by offering accessible, affordable & highly evidence-based medical care to our community. We do that in teams.

We think & reflect deeply about the needs of our patients and how we can meet them in a meaningful way.

We demonstrate commitment. We have impact. We make our community healthier.


14 George Street, Cygnet TAS, Australia

Operating Hours

Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri: 8.30am - 5pm, Thurs: 9.30am -5pm
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Huon Valley Health Centre – Cygnet

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