Community Services In The Huon Valley

Would you like to learn, to share your skills, to get some help, meet some new people or contribute to the community? The Huon Valley has schools, sports teams, job seeker assistance, post offices, childcare, libraries, support services and community halls and sheds. Community ties are strong here in southern Tasmania.

Find a community group

Maxima Joblink

About Maxima - we care, we listen, we deliver

Sedgefield – Professional, Business and Academic Writing Services

From job applications to a full suite of business documentation, we provide top-class service

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania

Support, information and connection for people supporting someone who has mental ill health

Far South Tourism Inc.

Local Tourism Association covers the area of Southern Tasmania from Geeveston, to South East Cape.

Drug Education Network

The Drug Education Network (DEN) is an alcohol and other drug health promotion organisation.

U3A Cygnet Book Club

University of the Third Age (U3A) book club

Port Huon Trading Post

A restaurant, coffee shop, pie shop, take-away and Australia Post office outlet