Huon Valley Services For Seniors

If you love to join in, there are plenty of groups and services for seniors in the Huon Valley who’d be delighted to meet you. Don’t be shy. Play music, games, or sports, share ideas, do some research, help the local environment, make things with your hands or offer to teach others something you’re good at.

If you find yourself needing some help there are plenty of organisations who’ll help with things like health issues, transport and housing.

Here are great services for seniors

U3A Cygnet Reading Group

University of the Third Age (U3A) reading group

U3A Cygnet Garden and Gourmet

University of the Third Age (U3A) garden & food workshops

Geeveston Community Centre (GeCo)

GeCo provides a range of support services for the community of the Huon Valley

U3A Cygnet Creative Writing (weekly)

University of the Third Age (U3A) weekly creative writing sessions

U3A Cygnet Untutored Drawing Group

University of the Third Age (U3A) drawing group

U3A Cygnet A Smorgasbord of Talks

University of the Third Age (U3A) talk series

Age Well

Connecting older people in the Huon Valley with local groups and activities.

U3A Cygnet Book Club

University of the Third Age (U3A) book club

Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania

Support, information and connection for people supporting someone who has mental ill health

Community Transport Services Tasmania (CTST)

Community Transport for aged care and disability service eligible clients, state-wide.

U3A Cygnet Play Reading Group

University of the Third Age (U3A) play reading group