Food Producers & Wholesalers In The Huon Valley

Everything tastes wonderful in the fresh country air of the Huon Valley. Make time to stop and explore roadside stands, picking up eggs, honey, freshly picked fruit, and veges straight from the garden.

Stop in to discover the small producers who make all kinds of products from goat’s milk, who grow succulent meat, or who bring together a range of organic goods you can’t wait to taste.

What’s to eat?

Our Mates Farm

Pork, lamb and beef raised in a certified organic orchard in Geeveston

Geeveston Community Grows

A social enterprise aiming to improve the health and wellbeing of the Huon Valley

The Honey Pot

Honey tasting, observation hive, educational display, beeswax products, skincare range, meads & ales

M&D Butchery Port Cygnet

Your friendly local independant butcher with a huge range of quality fresh local produce.